A super-aging society like Japan need to extend healthy lifespans by detecting disease risks in pre-symptomatic states and taking actions to prevent the onset and/or aggravation of the disease. The mission of the Development of Disease Early Detection Monitor, which is held as a joint research laboratory with SB Coronavirus Infection Center Corp. belonging to SoftBank Group, is to develop products and services that detect molecules in biological samples and provide early monitoring with high sensitivity and low cost. Development of Disease Early Detection Monitor also aims to build a regional industry-government-academia collaboration system so that more citizens can use early monitoring products and services, and to provide follow-up support for early countermeasures in the event that a reaction is detected as a result of monitoring. It is expected that the development of the above-mentioned early detection monitor will provide citizens with an opportunity to more easily obtain products and services that contribute to extending healthy lifespans, and allow them to use it casually.