
    1. Mirbod SM, Sugiura H. Does a communicative and friendly group work cause academic achievement in college students? Jpn J Health Recreation, 16: 31-42 (2020).
    2. Mirbod SM, Sugiura H. Cold Weather Recreational Activities and Raynaud's Phenomenon. Japanese Journal of Health Recreation, 16: 13-21 (2020).
    3. Mirbod SM , Sugiura H. Evaluation of recreational noise exposure level in college students during an indoor live concert (A pilot study). Jpn J Health Recreation, 15: 39-43 (2019).
    4. Mirbod SM , Sugiura H. Watching Live Sporting Events as a Recreational Activity and Noise Exposure in Spectators. Jpn J Health Recreation, 15: 1-9 (2019).
    5. Sugiura H, Mirbod SM . Types of leisure activities -- benefits of recreational activities in the welfare setting: The Japanese Journal of Clinical Dialysis, 34 (8) No. 2: 975-983 (2018).
    6. Inaba R, Mirbod SM . Status of implementation of job crafting among female hospital nurses. Jpn J Occup Med Traumatology, 67: 81- 86 (2018).
    7. Mirbod SM , Sugiura H. Aged working population and the need for adopting sporting activities among those engaged in physically demanding jobs. Jpn J Health Recreation, 14: 43-51 (2018).
    8. Mirbod SM , Sugiura H. Bowling practice as a leisure physical activity and its health benefits in elderly people. Jpn J Health Recreation, 14: 1-8 (2018).
    9. Sugiura H, Mirbod SM . Does music therapy combined with recreational games contribute to the improvement of cognitive functions? Jpn J Health Recreation, 13: 29-35 (2017).
    10. Mirbod SM , Sugiura H. A non-invasive technique for the evaluation of peripheral circulatory functions in female subjects with Raynaud's phenomenon. Industrial Health, 55: 275-284 (2017).
    11. Inaba R, Okumura M, Mirbod SM. Subjective symptoms of female workers sorting goods in summer. Industrial Health, 49 (4): 464-474 (2011).
    12. Inaba R, Mirbod SM. Subjective musculoskeletal symptoms in winter and summer among indoor working construction electricians. Industrial Health, 48 (1): 29-37 (2010).
    13. Inaba R, Kurokawa J, Mirbod SM. Comparison of subjective symptoms and cold prevention measures in winter between traffic control workers and construction workers in Japan. Industrial Health, 47 (3): 283-291 (2009).
    14. Inaba R, Mirbod SM. Comparison of subjective symptoms and hot prevention measures in summer between traffic control workers and construction workers in Japan. Ind Health 45 (1): 91-99 (2007).

    15. Inaba R, Mirbod SM, Kurokawa J, Inoue M, Iwata H. Subjective symptoms among female workers and winter working conditions in a consumer cooperative. J Occup Health 47 (5): 454-465 (2005).

    16. Inaba R, Mirbod SM, Sugiura H. Effects of Maharishi Amrit Kalash 5 as an Ayurvedic herbal food supplement on immune functions in aged mice. BMC Complement Altern Med 8 (5): 1-10 (2005).

    17. Nagasaki S, Jiang Y, Furuta Y, Mirbod SM, Matsuoka T, Kimura H. Falls risk prediction in old women: evaluated by trunk sway tests in a static upright stance. J Educ Health Sci 48 (4): 353-358 (2003).
    18. Jiang Y, Nagasaki S, Furuta Y, Mirbod SM, Kimura H. Postural sway depends on aging and physical characteristics during upright standing in normal persons. J Educ Health Sci 48 (2): 233-238 (2002).

    19. Sugiura H, Nishida H, Sugiura H, Mirbod SM. Immunomodulatory action of chronic exercise on macrophage and lymphocyte cytokine production in mice. Acta Physiol Scand 174 (3): 247-256, (2002).
    20. Sugiura H, Sugiura H, Kajima K, Mirbod SM, Iwata H, Matsuoka T. Effects of long-term moderate exercise and increase in a number of daily steps on serum lipid in women: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Women' Health 3 (2): 1-8 (2002).

    21. Nagasaki S, Jiang Y, Hayakawa M, Furuta Y, Oguri K, Egawa H, Miyamoto K, Mirbod SM , Katoh Y, Matsuoka T. The effects of short-term light exercise on left-light postural sway in normal subjects: A study by application of CCD video camera analysis system. J Educ Health Sci 47 (4): 280-286 (2002).
    22. Nagasaki S, Jiang Y, Hayakawa M, Furuta Y, Oguri K, Egawa H, Miyamot K, Mirbod SM , Katoh Y, Matsuoka T. A new method to measure postural sway on upright stance using CCD video camera system. J Educ Health Sci 46 (5): 1174-1179 (2001).
    23. Nagasaki S, Y Jiang, M Hayakawa, Y Furuta, K Oguri, K Miyamoto, Mirbod SM , Y Katoh, Matsuoka T. Effects of vision on the response of peroneus muscle surface EMG when standing on a single foot. J Educ Health Sci 46 (4): 1110-1115 (2001).
    24. Sugiura H, Sugiura H, Nishida H, Inaba R, Mirbod SM, Iwata H. Effects of different durations of exercise on macrophage functions in mice. J Appl Physiol 90 (3): 789-794 (2001).

    25. Sugiura H, Mirbod SM. Impact of two different types of exercise on murine peritoneal macrophage functions. Adv Exerc Sports Physiol 7 (4): 103-109 (2001).
    26. Sugiura H, Sugiura H, Ueya E, Ueya S, Mirbod SM. Enhanced macrophage functions and cytokine production of lymphocytes after ingestion of bone narine in female BALB/c mice. Life Sci 68 (5): 505-515 (2000).

    27. Sugiura H, Nishida H, Inaba R, Mirbod SM, Iwata H. Immunomodulation by 8-week voluntary exercise in mice. Acta Physiol Scand 168 (3): 413-420 (2000).

    28. Tomida T, Miyai N, Yamamoto H, Mirbod SM, Wang TK, Sakaguchi S, Morioka I, Miyashita K. A cohort study on Raynaud's phenomenon in workers exposed to low level of hand-arm vibration. J Occup Health 42 (6): 292-296 (2000).

    29. Watanabe K, Nagasaki S, Takada H, Mirbod SM, Onozuka M. Involvement of mastication in the prevention of senile dementia. J Educ Health Sci 45 (2): 683-688 (1999).
    30. Mirbod SM, Akbar-Khanzadeh F, Onozuka M, Jamali M, Watanabe K, InabaR, Iwata H. A four-year follow-up study on subjective symptoms and functional capacities in workers using hand-held grinders. Industrial Health 37 (4): 415-425 (1999).
    31. Onozuka M, Watanabe K, Mirbod SM, Ozono S, Nishiyama K, Karasawa N, Nagatsu I. Reduced mastication stimulates impairment of spatial memory and degeneration of hippocampal neurons in aged SAMP8 mice. Brain Res 826 (1): 148-153 (1999).

    32. Watanabe K, Nagasaki S, Takada H, Mirbod SM , Onozuka M. Involvement of mastication in the prevention of senile dementia. J Educ Health Sci 45 (2): 683-688 (1999).

    33. Watanabe K, Takada H, Mirbod SM , Onozuka M. Age-related changes inhuman metamemory functions. J Educ Health Sci 43 (4): 349-352 (1998).
    34. Onozuka M, Watanabe K, Takada H, Mirbod SM, Karasawa N, Nagatsu I, Nishiyama K, Ozono S. Glial reaction linked with P70-induced seizure activity in the cerebral cortex of rats. Neurosci Res Com 23 (2): 111-117 (1998).

    35. Mirbod SM, Yoshida H, Jamali M, Miyashita K, Takada H, Inaba R, Iwata H. Finger skin temperature and laser-Doppler finger blood flow in subjects exposed to hand-arm vibration. Industrial Health 36 (2): 171-178 (1998).

    36. Takada H, Mirbod SM, Iwata H. The relative vascular age derived from acceleration plethysmography: a new attempt. Jpn J Appl Physiol 28 (2): 115-121 (1998).
    37. Mirbod SM, Inaba R, Iwata H. Subjective symptoms among motorcycling traffic policemen. Scand J Work Environ Health 23 (1): 60-63 (1997).
    38. Mirbod SM, Inaba R, Iwata H. Assessment of hand-arm vibration exposure in traffic police motorcyclists. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 70 (1): 22-28 (1997).

    39. Mirbod SM, Iwata H. Proposal for hand-arm vibration exposure limits adopted for Japanese workers operating hand-held vibrating tools. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 69 (6): 418-422 (1997).

    40. Mirbod SM, Inaba R, Iwata H. Low back pain among different groups of subjects exposed to hand-arm transmitted vibration. Industrial Health 35 (2): 212-221 (1997).
    41. Inaba R, Mirbod SM, Iwata H. Pathophysiology of vibration-induced white finger and safety levels for hand-transmitted vibration. J f Occup Health 38 (1): 1-5 (1996).
    42. Yamazawa K, Omori M, Satake Y, Matsui N, Kondo M, Mirbod SM, Ueno Y, Watanabe  S. The motives and awareness of smoking behavior of female students. J Educ Health Sci 41 (2): 242-252 (1995).

    43. Mirbod SM, Yoshida H, Miyamoto K, Miyashita K, Inaba R, Iwata H. Subjective complaints in orthopedists and general surgeons. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 67 (3): 179-186 (1995).
    44. Mirbod SM, Fujita S, Miyashita K, Inaba R, Iwata H. Some aspects of occupational safety and health in green tea workers. Industrial Health 33 (3): 101-117 (1995).
    45. Mirbod SM, Inaba R, Iwata H. Operating vibrating tools and prevalence of Subjective complaints in Vibration syndrome. Cen Europ J Public Health 3 (Suppl): 97-102 (1995).
    46. Mirbod SM, Yoshida H, Komura Y, Fujita S, Nagata C, Miyashita K, Inaba R, Iwata H. Prevalence of Raynaud's phenomenon in different groups of workers operating hand-held vibrating tools. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 66 (1): 13-22 (1994).

    47. Mirbod SM, Lanpher C, Fujita S, Komura Y, Yoshida H, Inaba R, Iwata H. A survey on the noise level in aerobic facilities. Industrial Health 32 (1): 49-55 (1994).

    48. Mirbod SM, Inaba R, Iwata H. Operating hand-held vibrating tools and prevalence of white fingers. Nagoya J Med Sci 57 (Suppl): 173-183 (1994).

    49. Komura Y, Yoshida H, Nagata C, Fujita S, Mirbod SM, Inaba R, Iwata H. Differences in the prevalence of Raynaud's phenomenon in general populations living in a mountain area and in a plain area. Jpn J Public Health 39 (7): 421-427 (1993).
    50. Mirbod SM, Yoshida H, Inaba R, Iwata H. Exposure to segmental vibration and noise in orthopedists. Industrial Health 31 (4): 155-164 (1993).

    51. Mirbod SM, Tambara K, Fujita S, Yoshida H, Nagata C, Komura Y, Inaba R, Iwata H. A survey on noise exposure level in an aluminum can production plant. Industrial Health 31 (1): 1-12 (1993).
    52. Nagata C, Yoshida H, Mirbod SM, Komura Y, Inaba R, Iwata H. Cutaneous signs (Raynaud's phenomenon, sclerodactylia, and edema of the hand) and hand-arm vibration exposure. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 64 (8): 587- 591 (1993).
    53. Inaba R, Maeda M, Fujita S, Kashiki N, Komura Y, Nagata C, Yoshida H, Mirbod SM, Iwata H, Shikano Y. Prevalence of Raynaud's phenomenon and specific clinical signs related to progressive systemic sclerosis in the general population of Japan. Int J Dermatol 32 (9): 652-655 (1993).
    54. Komura Y, Inaba R, Fujita S, Mirbod SM, Yoshida H, Nagata C, Iwata H. Les lésions dont se plaignent les professeurs d'aérobic. Medicine Des Arts 4: 37-40 (1993). [In French with an English abstract.
    55. Mirbod SM, Inaba R, Yoshida H, Nagata C, Komura Y, Iwata H. Noise exposure level while operating electronic arcade games as a leisure time activity. Industrial Health 30 (2): 65-76 (1992).
    56. Mirbod SM, Yoshida H, Nagata C, Inaba R, Komura Y, Iwata H. Hand-arm vibration syndrome and its prevalence in the present status of private forestry enterprises in Japan. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 64 (2): 93-99 (1992)
    57. Mirbod SM, Inaba R, Iwata H. A study on the vibration-dose limit for Japanese workers exposed to hand-arm vibration. Industrial Health 30 (1): 1-22 (1992)
    58. Komura Y, Inaba R, Fujita S, Mirbod SM, Yoshida H, Nagata C, Iwata H. Health conditions of female aerobic instructors (subjective symptoms and related factors). Jpn J Ind Health 34 (4): 326-334 (1992)
    59. Yoshida H, Nagata C, Mirbod SM, Iwata H, Inaba R. Analysis of subjective symptoms of upper extremities in dental technicians. Jpn J Ind Health 33 (1): 17-22 (1991)
    60. Nagata C, Yoshida H, Mirbod SM, Iwata H. Raynaud's phenomenon and cutaneous changes due to hand-arm vibration. Jpn J Ind Health 32 (5): 366-370 (1990).